Robinsoniana Technical School "Juan Antonio Román Valecillos" of the city of San Cristobal celebrates 73 anniversary bright and excellent educational experience with a range of activities, from Monday May 2, will begin the week anniversary. This was reported, Professor Yosmar Saireth Chacón, director of the institution in a press conference in the company of teachers Carmen Lucien, Leoncio Ontiveros, Yomara Smith and a group of students of the institution.
Historical Review
Robinsoniana Technical School receives elepónimo Valecillos Juan Antonio Roman in 1959.
First 1938-1953 period
Federal Normal School is named. Laprimera promotion starts working only with men, then mixed aser passes, allowing admission to women.
Second period 1953-1958
closes SanCristóbal Normal School, unknown reasons.
Third period 1958-1975
The institution is transformed into high school with lasmenciones Science, Humanities, Social Work and Physical Education.
Fourth period 1975-1983
During this stage there are changes in the educaciónvenezolana and The Normal School is prepared to take on new challenges.
Fifth period 1983-2006
start in this period actividadesacadémicas in the fields of arts, music and audiovisual.
Sixth period 2006 to date
In October 2006, the institution receives Technical School elnombre Robinsoniana Juan Antonio Román Valecillos. Professor Saireth Chacón said that this program incorporates the entire educational community, support staff, administrators, teachers, students and representatives, in addition to the communal councils of the communities adjacent to the institution.
Meanwhile Professor Carmen Lucien, Technical Deputy Director noted that the School Robinsoniana Jaromír Valecillos, graduate instructional levels in two specialties, Allied Health and Allied Arts. Saludsalen graduates in three phrases: Child Care, Laboratory Clinical and Health losServicios Register. While the Arts, end yEjecución Graphic Arts Toolkit. All enrolled six years.
stressed Professor Chacón, director of the School Juan Antonio Román Valecillos that as of Monday, May 2, when it begins week anniversary of the institution, in programming the entire school community is involved to celebrate these 73 years, so they have repaired a number of sporting, cultural, social and academic.
Monday May 2
10:00 a.m. radio program "Voice of Neighbors," Radio San Sebastian.
10:30 a.m. Opening Week Anniversary
cultural event. Participation of the Dances of the institution in contemporary dance. Expo sale and donation of books.
interschool games. Field of the institution.
Voleibol.ETRAS JARVAL vs Don Bosco College the Pyrenees
football. JARVAL Etrasa Bolivarian High School vs Bishop San Miguel
Tuesday May 3
8:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist. Multipurpose Room
10:00 a.m. Challenge of Knowledge. Multipurpose Room
interescuelas.Cancha institution
volleyball. JARVAL Etrasa vs Liceo Simon Bolivar Bolivarian
2:00 pm football. JARVAL Etrasa Bolivarian High School vs Mons Pellin
2:00 pm Basketball. JARVAL Etrasa vs Don Bosco College
3:00 pm Volleyball. JARVAL Etrasa vs Colegio El Carmen
Wednesday May 4
Evening Presentation Contemporary Dance
Book Donation
3:00 pm Games interschool techniques. Field of the institution
Basketball. ETI vs JARVAL Etrasa
4:30 pm Café Concert. Multipurpose Room
Thursday May 5
7:30 a.m. Walk "Earth Day"
10:00 a.m. Exhibitions. Tourist corridors. Central courtyard
Afternoon 2:30 pm Games interschool techniques. Field of the institution
football. ETIR Etrasa
JARVAL vs Futsal . ETC JARVAL Etrasa vs Alberto Adriani
Volleyball. JARVAL Etrasa vs Colegio El Carmen
Friday May 6
8:30 a.m. Dance Bride and Dance Aerobics. Institution's athletic field
Birthday. Share anniversary cake.
Presentation Cabinet Ministry of Culture of People's Power Táchira state culture
Expo photos
awards Delivery
Afternoon Day with all staff socialization
Student participation
Professor Carmen Lucien, technical deputy director, said in estaocasión students play an important role in these 73 years.The students Specialty Art, Arts Gráficasdiseñaron mention of the anniversary and art developed papelde cards with recycling.
Elprofesor Leoncio Ontiveros, professor of arts specialist, said students at the mention of the Mention EjecuciónInstrumental, obtained a passport to represent a national event estadoTáchira in the form of choir and Experimental assemblies, to get first place in elTorneo Choral Arts Bicentennial Blast State Authority are significant achievements for the institution. /.
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