Monday, December 20, 2010

Nature Valley Crunchy Granola From Mcdonalds

Conservative Party Colombia - Disclosure of private information


Long after the vote will, I entered curious to verify the safety of the pages of political parties, obviously my country of origin, and after several attempts on other sites

BINGO! I was able to inject SQL code to get the tables, fields and records, so now I have left to do 2 things. The first, decrypted the hash unfortunately this MD5 and second, find the admin panel
-what in some cases is more hidden than osama bin laden-
. In my first step, I found dead in the first user, the hash was not in any databases decrypted my pages you preferred to MD5, but hell I'm lucky in the second user, I did decrypted password. Now I am ready to find the admin panel. With a good dictionary, I start my "Admin Panel Finder" -coded in perl- and Voala! I have also luck and a lapse of time of about 15 minutes get everything you need to log in as a super user and try to find private information -which is what I mainly wanted to do-.

and I'm about to get much satisfaction to see:

Figure 1: I logged as
After logon to data produced by iSQL
Fernando Murgueitio (Super Administrator) . Let's continue our search for information, enter the section menu "Card party" and see who comes a long list of user with their respective personal information.

Figure 2:
List all users with personal information of each.


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