Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ftv Midnight Hot Mobile Streaming


deInvestigaciones Body and Criminal Science (CICPC) ADOS arrested alleged perpetrators of the attack Fire Headquarters delCuerpo San Cristobal, Tachira state, which seregistró Sunday February 13 in which injured ochofuncionarios of this institution.

CICPC director, curator Jotny Marquez said losejecutores of this violent, "delincuentesalta are classified as dangerous, since they are linked to various delitosentre most notably, an estimated assaults 15 institucionesbancarias, residences and bloodshed in the state. "

This band from the Midwest, specifically CITY OF Valencia, Carabobo state, is composed of at least 12personas, of which two have been imprisoned. Three other estánplenamente identified as participants in this attack.

As for the capture process, the State Authority delcuerpo police director said that the expert scientific field lasinvestigaciones made and determined the involvement of KA vehículosFord SBH-44W plates , located on Monday February 14 January 23 in elsector with which they identified a losimplicados, as well as a second car Ford Eco Sport model.

The two men, a Venezuelan national, respond to José Enrique Lopez Rojas nombresde 24 years old, living in Táriba ElDiamante of the municipality of Cardenas, and Nestor Javier Diaz Cuadrosde 22 years old, who lived in the Los Penthouses, parish The Concorde, elmunicipio San Cristobal.

The operation took place at the Pueblo Nuevo area, some of this capital, where he initially captured José López Rojas and sediment detention to the whereabouts of another member of this band, "a raid realizándoseluego to her home where weapons were seized defuego used in the crime, besides being located Ecosport the truck. "

mentioned the fact that the motive appeared by chance, trasuna revenge for the detainees, who minutes antessostuvieron an argument of type road when the vehicle Ford KA casicolisiona one of the ambulances of the fire, "resulting in an exchange that culminated in a threat against the officials."

Later at 10:00 pm, two people entered the body wing rescue headquarters, located at 19th Avenue April THE CITY capital, where attacked with guns, shooting amansalva against physical integrity of firefighters on duty seencontraban.

The injured, identified as Jose Daza, Edgar Zambrano, Luis Angulo, Marcos Morales, Gregory Vargas, klender Morales, Leopoldo Hernández Chacón yFranklin were transferred immediately to a médicoasistencial center, and now are out of danger and en condicionesestables de salud.

Finalmente, los aprehendidos se encuentran a la orden de la Fiscalíadel Ministerio Público, a fin de determinar la implicación en otroshechos delictivos.

Fuente: AVN


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