Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Templates For Community Service Letters



Today I received a call at 9:20 am, "was still half asleep," such communication was allegedly having a
staff wanted to update the database data of the organization, but the strangest thing was that the number I called was MOVISTAR
, and I thought and I said to myself: "myself, that if a true Pwned!" . After a few minutes of discussion about why he was not obliged to give any information to any company, I agreed only to give my ID number, then the questions were a little further, "What is the address residence? " , "What is your residence?" , etc ... I went back to discussing and by simple logic which does not match the number of cellular callers to operador del que decía ser.
Hasta que usando un poco de imaginación y recordando una película que sinceramente no recuerdo su nombre. Le dije a la supuesta operadora de
-que por cierto, decía llamarse Alexandra- , qué quería triangular la llamada para saber el sitio exacto de la llamada, a ver si era de cualquier sucursal de dicha compañía. Y como me lo suponía, colgó ... XD
El número del que llamaron fue:
315 899 6538


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