Saturday, May 7, 2011

1000 Fotos Big Boobs Foros

Bishop Talavera College presented certificates to educators from Early and Special Education Day Today

suchas how to respond to the resolutions adopted by the national government, using the search defunct Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, and for teacher elmandato Aristobulo Isturiz where comomateria Chess decreed compulsory in schools, colleges and secondary schools in Venezuela.

LourdesDepablos Assisi said the Master, Director of College "Archbishop Talavera, alasistir delivery of the certificates were entitled the careers 20estudiantes of preschool and educaciónespecial.

Alacta teachers attended Expedito Juan Rincon, Cumt deportesdel coordinator, César Porras, planning and development coordinator, Luis Suarez, chess coach, who expressed the reasons why the juegociencia in a sport that as excellent students and intellectuals.

Esevidente that chess is a game / sport because querequiere highly intellectual concentration, calculation, analysis capability ... and is very very high IQs conocidoque abound among global players primerafila. Some studies suggest that great teachers are able dealmacenar between 10 thousand and 100 thousand "fragments" or relevant tableroajedrecísticamente positions.

certainly making some history we have the science or chess game, as known today, emerged in the fifteenth century Europadurante, comoevolución Persian game Shatranj, which in turn came from the oldest Chaturanga that was practiced in India in the sixth century . Tradition ajedrezempezó organizing competitions in the sixteenth century. The first official world championship chess was organized in 1886.

credentials Elacto delivery was accomplished in the game room, located at University College elpis 9 Monsignor Talavera, where lasalumnos then showed their skills during a simultaneous toast matter elprofesor , Luis Suarez. (Press Cumt). /.


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