Friday, May 6, 2011

Quotes From Pediatricians

Seboruco Congratulations to the photographers of Tachira, now in its day

no doubt that photography has integradodentro of journalism as a very important role to disseminate information delas.

Today, May 6, 2011, the Circle of Reporters Gráficosde Venezuela reaches its 68th birthday, the Agency NoticiasTáchira "T" sends warm congratulations to those who day by day with colorful presents Sulenta arguments of each of the informacionespublicadas in newspapers, magazines and websites.

photojournalists, exercise daily photo journalism, photojournalism or photojournalism , A genre of journalism that many of us journalists loaprendimos very well in the Universidad de Los Andes, under the conducciónde "Pipo Vivas" who spoke to us directly from the exercise of photojournalism.

The development of photojournalism puederastrearse from the very early development of photography ytiene a remarkable relationship with art photography. The first vezque newspaper used a picture he did in 1880 the Daily Graphic New York y desde entonces el periodismo ha integrado la imagen como medio objetivo y representativo de un hecho.

Reseña histórica  

En el restodel mundo se celebra el Día Internacional  del Reportero Gráfico cada 19 de mayo, en Venezuelase tomó el 6 de mayo porque fue en esa fecha para el año 1943 cuando sefundó el Círculo de Reporteros Gráficos de Venezuela.

Esuna tradición en el estado Táchira la celebración de este day, various media graphics cuandoreporteros unite and organize the running unaatractiva progración mostly at headquarters Journalists delColegio Táchira. They, the reporterosgráficos held today, a diameter of the shaping of their profession and uphold their professional derechoscomo communication.
ReporteroGráfico The International Day is celebrated worldwide since 1912, which was founded in Denmark laprimera national organization called the Union of Press Photographers, consisting initially of six photographers in Copenhagen.

AOur friends Jorge Ramón Ramírez, Lorenzo García, José Angel Mora, Pipo Vivas, Juan Pablo Roder, Omar Hernández, Gustavo Delgado, TuliaBuriticá, Jorge Castilian, Homero Duarte Corona, and others who make life in the newspaper The Nation, Catholic, Los AndesTáchira, Bicentennial Diario El Pueblo, thousands of congratulations today inits day. /.


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