Saturday, January 8, 2011

Awesome Lacrosse Slogans

San Sebastian Fair in Asogata

Cattlemen theAssociation Tachira - Asogata, under the Agricultural LVIFeria Asogata 2011 developed a series of eventosmusicales, Sports, unions, business and farmers, from elviernes January 7,

Son56 year celebration, as they say in plain vaquianos: rain or shine enferia Tachira is given the push, Asogata yperseverancia that conveys dynamism to the entire community andthat the Andean state capital.

This year there will be some innovations with the addition of canine events, horses and live entertainment.

Also, from Friday January 14 will be developed simultaneously inthe Asogata facilities, located at the top of SanCristóbal, Agro Fair, Trade Fair and Food Fair dela .

LaEntrada to all events is free, except for musical dosespectáculos "Two stars in the show, an event that shall be disposed of on January 21 after 5 pm, with promoting the participation of Jorge Celedon and Peter delicacies . And the second is the festival eventofolclórico Ranger "Ours is the best", which sedesarrollará on 22 January and will participate in ReynardoArmas, Vitico Castillo, Jorge Guerrero, Ignacio Rondon, ScarletLinares, Armando Martinez, and with them Alexander Acosta, Gregorio Neri Solorzano and Jose Padron.

Orchid Exposition

The fair began on January 7 at 7:00 pm with laexposición of orchids, an event that adorns the Park Cattle with lush flower aboutbeauty national. Todoel exhibitors participating country, orchid plants exposed to different genres yespecies, as well as fertilizers, substrates for sowing deorquídeas, hormones and vitamins for growth and development ofthis type of plant. The exhibition will be open until 9, enero.Entrada eldomingo Free.

I Asogata Canine Competition 2011

8 and January 9 will be held Canino Asogata IConcurso 2011. Under the coordination of veterinarioAlejandro Carvajal. Saturday January 8, from 10:00 at the Forum lamañana Asogata, the specimens were evaluated sinpedigrí dogs, the only requirement for participation was to present current vaccination elcertificado.

Estedomingo January 9, will be judged dogs with pedigree, the requisitosson: Current vaccination certificate and a photocopy of certificadodel pedigree. Registration is free and can be carried out in the sedede Asogata, during office hours, until Saturday, one hour antesdel contest. There will be prizes for participants. Free admission.

Valid national livestock confinement

From Friday 14 to Sunday 16 January, from 1:00 pm dela, the best 80 teams of riders from Venezuela disputaránlos millionaire prizes in national Valid closure of cattle which held at the Equestrian Court Asogata. In addition, adolescents niñosy make a display of patterns deBarriles Carrera, Link Calf and career posts. There will also be otrosatractivos. Free admission.

XXIII Festival The voice of the plain "Dr. Miguel Angel Cárdenas "

19 and January 20, from 7:00 pm, the best exponents of Creole sings deColombia our nation and participate in the Forum ASOGATA in a "mano a mano" in elXXIII Festival The voice of the plain "Dr. Miguel Angel Cárdenas llegaeste year that its twenty-third edition.

Seventy (70) singers from the states of Tachira, Trujillo, Merida, Cojedes, Apure, Delta Amacuro, Barinas, Bolivar , Anzoategui, Guarico, Falcon, Yde the Colombian Llanos (Meta, Casanare, Villavicencio and elArauca) will participate in strong voice patterns (female ymasculino), Counterpoint and Dance Joropo losprimeros competing for places. On Wednesday January 19 invitadoespecial act as Adolfo Contreras "The Canary in the Andes." On Thursday, 20 special guests will Deenero Ricardo Leal "Pride of ElPiñal" and the star Cristina Maica and baptize the 1st. Produccióndiscográfica Carlos Niño "The Goldfinch". Free admission.

Festivao bands show

On Friday 21 January at 10 am, the FórumGanadero of Asogata be flooded and rhythm debandas color show in the Festival, with major bands in the region. It premiaránvarias categories considering innovation, creativity, elritmo, coordination, among other criteria. Free admission.

The vallenato extravaganza

Asogata in alliance with Warranty presents lanoche Show January 21, the great spectacle of Vallenato " Two stars the show "with double Latin Grammy winner Jorge Celedon yPeter Manjarrés" The Knight ", who will star in a nocheinolvidable Asogata Livestock Forum .. Tickets enASOGATA.

I Great auction Sempra-Asogata

On Saturday January 22 at 11:00 am, at the headquarters of laAsogata, for the first time, Great place Sempra-Asogata auction, which will be made available to small and medianosproductores, F1 Heifers (Hosltein-Brahman) laproducción designed to increase milk production in different units of país.Entrada Free.

Plains Festival "Ours is the best"

On the evening of Saturday 22 January, in the Plains Festival "Lonuestro is best" in the Park Livestock Odor Asogata mastranto flooded with the presence of llanera music greats: Reinaldo Armas Jorge Guerrero, Armando Martinez, Scarlet Linares, Vitico Castillo, Alexander Acosta, Jorge Guerrero, José GregorioSolórzano and Nerys Padron. Tickets go on sale in ASOGATA.

Country Music Festival "Don Pedro Carvajal Ontiveros"

The Sunday 23 January at 6:00 pm, burst Asogata elparrandón in the best exponents of Andean music that will sound lasmontañas the charrasca, cuatro, guiro and laguitarra in the country music festival "Don Pedro CarvajalOntiveros." Your organizer journalist José (Cheo) Goncalvez informed that this year only winning groups will compete festivaldesde its founding, which have become popular. Special guest Actuarácomo a renowned group of Colombia. EntradaGratuita.

Paso horses display

On Tuesday January 26 at 6:00 pm, after muchosaños of absence, return to ASOGATA, horses unespectáculo step for children and adults, in which the best riders yamazonas Oocidente the country, made a beautiful demonstration of lasdiferentes discipline procedures of this soundtrack. During elevent will be a tribute to the horseman and rancher "Don Pepe Cid" enreconocimiento their important contribution to the development of disciplinaecuestre in Tachira. Free admission.

Opening of the exhibition livestock

Thursday January 27 at 7:00 pm, will inauguradaLVI Asogata Livestock Fair 2011, with the participation of 500 ejemplaresbovinos, which will show the progress of breeding Venezuelan laganadería and effort made daily losproductores the field, to ensure the food in each household. Animal Losjuzgamientos be held from 10:00 to 6:00 in the morning tarde.El Asogata Agricultural Exposition Park during losdías of the fair is open to the public starting at 10:00 lamañana, to 12: 00 of the night. Admission is free elpúblico in general.

Those wishing more information on these events, please contact:
Atty Sara García 0414-749.22.22 / 0276-353.14.55
Asogata President and Chairman of the Fair: Mr. Luis Hernández Guanipa. General
Fair Coordinator: Atty. Luis Herrera.


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