Sunday, January 9, 2011

Mens Clear Jelly Sandals

Lines Chavez. No 102. He tore the chains

By Hugo Rafael Chávez


This year 2011 has started very intense, really.

And do not forget who started this first of January, lasegunda decade of the century, which has a special significaciónque makes 2011 a year of art.

many events occurred in the first decade of the century!

now recall some words of Father Simon Bolivar: "Yoespero much of the time. His huge belly contains more hope quesucesos past and future events are to be superior to the pasts. "

And why this thought came to me light when I write, thinking of the time spent in this and in this new decade quecomienza?

I ask you, fellow who read me, that we look at one thing: two hundred years ago, beginning the second decade of the nineteenth century, was born enVenezuela A major revolution would die 20 years later enter it rattle Santa Marta. Then, a hundred years, beginning lasegunda decade of the twentieth century, had just died a revolution betrayed quepretendió restore independence. Indeed, who led Restorative laRevolución Cipriano Castro, Juan Vicente Gómez was acuchilladapor and Venezuela fell into the clutches of ÁguilaImperial and lackeys of the bourgeoisie Caracas.

Today we surprised by the dawn of the second decade of the century, witha revolution: Revolution is the fifth major nuestrahistoria all.

The first was the Great Revolution Aboriginal India.

The second was the Great War of Independence.

The third was the Great Federal Revolution.

The fourth was the Great Revolution Restorative.

And the Fifth is this that draws us today "like a weak straw": The Bolivarian Revolution Great!.

could say
with "the chains" as a common factor Lalinea General Strategy: When was 1811, and began creaking and old acaer the heavy chains of English colonialism, when llegó1911, some new strings were now riveted on the desdichadaVenezuela ...

And now, when it reached 2011, the old Yankee delcoloniaje and heavy chains are there on the floor, broken by the Great RevoluciónBolivariana!.

And this second decade must take these cadenastotalmente allow the national horizon, and contribute to quedesaparezcan forever throughout the Americas.

But as we know everyone, I read fellow is alive and latent imperial threat on our beloved homeland and LaQuinta column, not rest and servile lackey trying to produce elderrumbe of Venezuela.

why I wrote at the beginning: the 2011 has started very intense, as they say, in battle.

The whole town, the middle class, youth, students, workers as producers, industry groups both comoprivado, political parties, different levels of government, authorities and members of all branches of government, all andall finally, we must make great efforts to leercorrectamente and thus make the best possible interpretation of losacontecimientos the day to day, without being sometimes lead to irrational outbursts.

A good example of the latter is constituted by recientesdeclaraciones the leader of the bourgeois leadership grouped in this nidode snakes Fedecámaras call in conjunction with the announcement quehice few days ago about my final decision not incrementarel Value Added Tax (VAT).

this gentleman said that behind that decision "was something hidden," that "can not be trusted for anything in this government," and so elestilo. And all this after having railed unosdías government before, just as he had announced a modestoincremento of the tax. How much irrationality Go!.

Fortunately the majority of minds and voices that sustain us reason to events. And so must remain ina country which now has become a school and once again demonstrates clear signoscada of great political maturity.

We then contact us at 2011, Vanguard!.

and started strong as the good horses.

Barinas I receive in my inclinations. And then, at pocashoras were in Brasilia. Lula, Dilma, and many friends. HastaHillary Clinton smiled and walked very eager to talk sinintermediarios.

installing the new Assembly, Fernando Soto Rojas, claiming their comoPresidente Guerrilla long way, as did tambiénlo the President of Brazil, our beloved Dilma.

good year to celebrate the 200 to the start of the First Republic and the Second World Venezuelan Revolution.

And to continue to make concrete reality, spiritual and material, our Fifth Great Revolution.

Great Bolivarian Revolution!




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