Saturday, April 2, 2011

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"The Opposition tachirense meeting suffering with Chavez and his Colombian counterpart"

A Trial of Luis Mendoza: Even when the integration American

Lospresidentes of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, and Venezuela, HugoChávez, at its third meeting to be held on April 9, will strengthen the bonds of reciprocity, as defined a new trade agreement for economic revival and strengthening of trade at the border, as part of a historic juncture contribution to development of both nations, and of integration policies, which does not recognize opposition to those interested war and not peace in our border.
These findings correspond to the President of the Legislative Council of Tachira, Congressman Luis Mendoza, señalarque in the government of Alvaro Uribe, the opposition always played alresquebrajamiento of relations with Colombia, where interesesde the Colombian oligarchy differed in political perspective, on integration playing into the interests of the American empire.
Luis Mendoza said that the oppositional, not interested in agreements and meetings laeconomía leverage, which we see policy framed in wide, dondeambos presidents reviewed a draft trade agreement, new rules queestablecerá for their trade.
Luis Mendoza vecon welcome the educational performance of our ComandantePresidente to publicize and inform all Venezuelans yvenezolanas, scope, importance, such as beneficiosrecíprocos of the agreements, economic, social, health, energy, electricity, gas and other areas contributing to the integration process in Latin America.
yesterday's meeting of two presidents, shake again these ties of friendship and solidarity held by Colombia and Venezuela, Bolivarian countries that have moved the same paths our Liberator Simon Bolivar, waving flags of freedom and independence.
Luis Mendoza said that these agreements bring very positive results, and that in eight months of President Santos, has been a reaffirmation of our bilateral relations, clouded by the Uribe government, and today with the signing of agreements trade cooperation, border integration, raising the awareness levels a commitment ; Latin American and Caribbean unity, where one voice tell the Empire not war, respect for self-determination, not more conflict, we want peace.
In this regard, Luis Mendoza, said the government of Alvaro Uribe was marred with difficulties, but withthe integration and humanitarian vision of our comandante Chávez andthe political rationality the current President of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos, advance every day, because the situation is radically different in a pragmatic and supportive relationship, he said.
In conclusion, said Luis Mendoza, who arrangements in the commercial area are broad and ambitious, as are outstanding agreements SIGNED for the resumption of air routes between The two-country sale of Venezuelan gasoline for provinciascolombianas of the border, and joint projects in the border deinfraestructura, he concluded. /.


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