Friday, April 1, 2011

Sleeping By Counting Sheep Vol 6 Español

Apure "President Chavez is doing to Colombia," Chavez

President Juan Manuel Santos said loscompromisos compliance with the Venezuelan government on several fronts, including deseguridad, commercial and infrastructure, among others. Aseguróque in the meeting with his Venezuelan counterpart in Cartagena, próximoviernes, it will track these issues.

President Juan Manuel Santos said Thursday that lasrelaciones between Colombia and Venezuela are "radically different" since 10 August, when he met his homólogovenezolano Hugo Chavez in Santa Marta, to normalize the two nations relacionesentre.
Business Forum The Economist, enBogotá was the Head of State said that Venezuela has met agreed loscompromisos From that first meeting, sev few hours to produce a new meeting of the two agents in Cartagena.

On security, President Santos said the delivery of Venezuela Bit by bit several people connected with illegal groups, including some who are wanted in extradition by the UnitedStates.

"and promised the world and committed himself to Colombia and Haven meeting, has been giving people. That does not teníaprecedentes, people from the FARC or the ELN, has been delivering, Nosh come delivering a very important drug lords, some of them even have told you, send them to UnitedStates, because we are going to send, evítenos laintermediación "he said.

He said these commitments must be given time to comply sesigan, but in recent months there have been grandesavances.

"Now each has its day, has its forms. But I sítengo to say I think it important to you, there unavance and believe we will see progress all days, which is what queesperamos. And so far I hope to continue, he has venidocumpliendo "he said.

He highlighted the performance by the Venezuelan government on other fronts such as commercial and infrastructure. ;

explained that the meeting tomorrow in Cartagena is intended to make it up on the commitments.

"The meeting tomorrow are intended to make a seguimientoa the agreements we have achieved and discutiendo.Acordamos issues that we will meet every three months. Esradicalmente situation differently, "he said. (Source: Information System of the Government of the Republic of Colombia).


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