Thursday, April 14, 2011

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Comandante Chávez: "On April 13 was the great victory of the masses"

- "The Bolivarian Revolution will not lie down nor sifrinos or laburguesía or anything or anyone."

- "Comandante Chavez warned that after the coup 9años who carried out the assassination of Venezuelan parajustificarlo, all authors have evaded their responsibilities eincluso deny it."

- "If they come back with an eleven have their thirteen"
Here is the people's government of Venezuela in their diferentesmanifestaciones, civil and military, as a key factor laRevolución Bolivarian President Hugo Chavez said the inmensaconcentración that this Wednesday will bet all along laavenida Urdaneta Caracas, after a massive march with since Plaza Venezuela in celebration of 9 years great Victoriacontra the dictatorship, when he became a national historic landmark.

"The Bolivarian Revolution will not lie down nor sifrinos or laburguesía or imperialism, or anything, or anyone," said Chavez, vozronca from the flu, before Venezuelans marched in sumayoría colored red and filled with flags, slogans and posters the vast avenue of Caracas.

"In the Great Revolution of April 13 also commemorate, on this day comoparte heroic and glorious, MiliciaBolivariana Day," said Chavez, noting the more than 300 batallonesdesplegados on this day, in a televised deRadio and chain-TV, due to almost no media coverage privadoshicieron on this day.

"At this hour the rats were running out ...", Chavez continued, recalling the behavior that showed the dictator Pedro Carmona Estangay his accomplices that Saturday 13 April. "When I say burn rats beg pardon ...", rats ladies added under lospresentes laughter. "... Because they were real rats salieroncorriendo policy when the people who recovered to Miraflores and democracy."

"These thieves policy Miraflores left behind, porquemás will never stain the honor of this people of this country, of the Armed Forces."

"Over the mob will never stain the honor of the people and soldadovenezolano, they can write where they want," he predicted, chanted by Singingpower.

Commander convinced that Chavez said April 13 2002el people saved the future to the children and grandchildren of Venezuela.

"We saved the 21 st century Venezuela, the future of our children and grandchildren AOur. We shall continue with ever greater wisdom, emotion and heart, love, detachment, awareness and unity, continue to build the Socialist Fatherland."

"For the Motherland Venezuela they say and what I think ... the Socialist Motherland is ours or country or not."

historical Gesta silenced by the media is stateless:

Chavez recalled the stateless behavior decomunicación private companies, their owners and some of its employees journalists and wanted quesilenciaron erase the past "is unavergüenza for them and for us is heroic."

commented the President to the heroic and historic protagonizóel Venezuelan people has not happened in any time of historiamundial.

"It has never happened in 100 years, a government elimperio overthrown by U.S. and supportive of the oligarchy and a large number degenerales, return. It was a miracle in the hands of people

said that all the bourgeoisie, private banks, means dedesinformación and over 100 different gradoscomprometidos general, and behind them deEEUU imperial economic interests, crashed with a mighty power.

"We came upon a hit with great power, only that great empire and the bourgeoisie poderdel collided with a Power greater: the Venezuelan delpueblo and true soldiers. It crashed."

shamelessness of the political right bastard:

El Comandante Chávez warned that after 9 years of ignominiosaconspiración who managed to overthrow a legitimate government, using elasesinato Venezuelans to justify it, all authors hanevadido their responsibilities and even deny to the Venezuelan opiniónpública.

Taking ideas disseminated by journalist José Vicente Rangel, said that there is a political event in Venezuela which has quedadotanta evidence, evidence and testimony recorded, published ytransmitidos noticeably and communications, and participaronse who refuse to acknowledge its responsibility. "And this shows the extent of the political class deirresponsabilidad the derechavenezolana bastard."

"Sinvergüenzura who are still saying that there was no coup and yorenuncié" he said, commenting that the National Assembly (AN) a coup dreams are welcome deputies accused him of having given up potential income change.

"With brazenly dared comocondición say U.S. dollars asked to resign ... That says a lot about the likes of this clasepolítica that the intention to rule the country. But tienenautoridad or moral to govern a country awakened yheroísmo their dignity. "" They have no how! "

Chavez, the drizzle that continued throughout the day, dijoque with the unity of revolutionary forces venezolanodemostrará the right people who will not return this year or the next or inall of the century.

"Most never return to rule the independent Venezuela, marching towards socialism."

Unit against the right in 2012:

The head of state reiterated that the rightwing opposition and challenged tienecandidato not get it out to the arena, in preparation for presidential laselecciones 2012, said the battle will be destabilizing lies contralateral empire and its local lackeys. Comparing

little experience of government in the year of the coup, 2002, barely three years, sailing between two stools Revolution stop in front of the power of the empire, now in the beginning of 21 century segundadécada the Bolivarian Government is PoderPopular strengthened, with strong military power and socialist ideas.

Unlike the past, warned today estáblindado and the Bolivarian government has contingency plans to deal with coup cualquieraventura like 9 years ago.

called governors, municipal mayors, ministers of the Revolution yfuncionarios not allow the power políticodegenere otherwise.

"If we forget the people or give back, or govern paraotros interests than the people, would be lost and perdiendoel path of great Bolivarian Revolution."

"We have to govern by obeying the people. That's why determined esencialque this way and it will continue to determine ".

" That hope of a people, independence, hope, equality, peace and social justice. 're Building it and not let quenadie us from true peace, and what Bolivar said: lamayor sum of happiness possible. "

" here 9 years ago saved the future. You saved the future deVenezuela ...", he said, and paid tribute to those who fell victim to lasbalas fascists on the streets of Caracas.

thanked these martyrs for this planting forzoza and susfamiliares, and the survivors who faced groups used a march choqueque to try to storm the palace and asesinaral president.

told the sectors involved in this bourgeois coup of 2002, Yque continue to destabilize, not to forget the slogan that the pueblomantienen Live: "If they come back with an eleven have their thirteen".

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela ended suspalabras with the cry "Socialist Fatherland or Death!" that fuerespondido in impressive form for the Venezuelans in a ecointerminable:



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